Second Saturday Socials- Mini Golf

Join us for fun, faith, and fellowship at Cones & Clubs, formerly Jim Macks! Please RSVP by September 7.  Rain date- September 15.

Worship Service- 291st Anniversary Sunday

Join us for worship today as we celebrate our 291st year reflecting God’s love in the City of York and beyond.  Pastor Mark Oldenburg will be our Guest Preacher for the day.  


Join us for our annual Oktoberfest held in the Parish Hall! Enjoy food, fun, and fellowship with our church family! The Dockenspielers will provide live German music. Prost!!

Worship Service- St. Michael and All Angels

Today (Michaelmas), we will recognize the Lord’s most powerful messengers glorifying God and bringing the good news of salvation to all! Coffee Hour follows in the lower narthex.