Sunday Service

Click below to view the latest video service

Season of Epiphany

Join us for worship!  All are welcome at our table!

Adult Education  –  9:00am, in the parlor

Sunday School  –  9:00am

Eucharist  –  10:00am

Coffee Hour follows the service in the lower narthex

welcome to

Christ Lutheran Church

A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in York, PA

February Newsletter

Click below to download the newsletter.

Weekly Services

Please find our winter schedule below.


10:00am          Nave

Holy Eucharist

Our Church

Since 1733, Christ Lutheran has been serving the surrounding community.


Dating back to 1733, Christ Church is the oldest Lutheran congregation west of the Susquehanna River. Pastor Stoever and 23 local families originally founded the church as "Der Evangelische Lutherische Germind on der Kathores," or "The Evangelical Lutheran Congregation on the Codorus".


Christ Lutheran Church is an active community of faith. Grounded in Holy Baptism, we worship and serve God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our life and ministry centers in the weekly liturgy of Word and Sacrament. We hold our historic past with affection and face the future with joyful confidence and hope.

Pastoral Care

Christ Church offers services for baptisms, funerals and weddings. Pastoral care involves shepherding people through their lives by comforting, helping, strengthening, encouraging, guiding and challenging them as they grow deeper in faith.

Mission & Values

Our mission: To reflect God’s love in the heart of York.

Our vision: To be a vibrant congregation in the heart of York praising God, connecting people to Christ, and serving the people of York and the world.

Christ Church is an active community of faith. Grounded in Holy Baptism, we worship and serve God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our life and ministry centers in the weekly liturgy of Word and Sacrament. We hold our historic past with affection and face the future with joyful confidence and hope.

Sunday Services

Please find our schedule for Sunday services below. 

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Our Location

Christ Lutheran Church is located in Downtown York on the corner of George and Market street.

Contact & Info