Music at Christ Lutheran

 A graded choral program forms the core of our music ministry. Deeply rooted in Holy Scripture, the choirs, beginning with pre-kindergarten, utilize the hymns and songs of the church to learn Holy Scripture, to teach the elements of music, and to encourage, lead, and inspire all as they become active leaders and full participants in the worship life at Christ Church.

Rich History that Continues

Luther referred to music as “the handmaiden of theology” and, to that end, our music always seeks as its primary goal the glorification of God.

Choir and Bells Rehearsal

Adult Handbells                                        12:00pm Sunday
Choir                                                               9:00am Sunday

Our Organs

Christ Lutheran Church has a unique place in the history of America’s organ building. First commissioning David Tannenberg, Christ Lutheran had one of the only 35 Tannenberg organs ever made.  

The will of Barbara Schmidt, dated January 7, 1795, bequeathed…”that part of the money arising from the sale of my Estate be applied as follows: part thereof towards purchasing an organ for said Congregation….”  Sometime between the death of Barbara Schmidt in 1798 and 1803,  Christ Church commissioned David Tannenberg, famous American organ builder of  Lititz ,  PA to build the organ specified in the  widow’s Will.