VBS-Changemakers Lab

Location: Christ Lutheran Church Parish Hall Ages: Preschool- Ending 5th grade Register at: https://www.myvbs.org/christlutheranyorkpa/ Contact Katie at christianed@christlutheranyork.com Theme: Welcome to Changemakers Lab, an interactive Vacation Bible School where children learn that everyone can make a difference in the world! The five Bible stories in this curriculum explore examples of people who experienced Read more…

Church Picnic

Join us at Rocky Ridge Park in the Pheasant Pavilion for our Church Picnic! Hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, drinks, and ice for cold food will be provided. There are also elec- trical outlets available for crock pots. To sign up for attendance and to bring a dish, please see the ushers Read more…

Community Meal

Desserts and volunteers are needed. Please see Tom Keller if you are interested in helping.

Sunday Concert

Looking for last-minute plans on Sunday afternoon? How about a classical vocal recital? Soprano Catherine McGowan will present a recital in the church at 3pm of opera arias and songs (including several composed specifically for her). She will be accompanied by music director Scott Crowne. This is a repeat performance Read more…

Youth Pool Party

For the youth of the congregation and their families, hosted by the Desai Family.
