Worship Service- Fourth Sunday of Lent
Join us for worship! Coffee Hour follows the service in the lower narthex.
Join us for worship! Coffee Hour follows the service in the lower narthex.
Join us for worship! Coffee Hour follows the service in the lower narthex.
Do you have “White Coat Syndrome?” Do you worry that your morning coffee has your blood pressure sky high? Do you have frequent headaches? Are you worried that your blood pressure medicine is not effective? Then you need to visit the Christ Lutheran volunteer nurses’ “chamber!!” Across from the church […]
Joins us for fun and fellowship at Black Cap Brewing. RSVP to Chaplain Steinhilber or call the church office.
Join us for the triumphal Procession of Palms and the beginning of Holy Week with the reading of the Passion according to St. Luke. The service begins in the courtyard with the blessing of palms and processes to the nave.
Join us on our journey through Holy Week as we remember the Last Supper with Holy Communion. The service concludes with the stripping of the altar in preparation for the solemnity of Good Friday.
Holy Week continues with the most solemn liturgy of Good Friday, where we mark the suffering and death of Christ. The service concludes with the Adoration of the Cross.
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Join us for this festive choral celebration of Christ’s resurrection with scripture, festive music including choir, bells and brass, and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist proclaiming the raising of Christ from the dead!